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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Mike's Heresy of the Month, or Generosity

Mike's Heresy of the Month, or Generosity - Waving or Drowning?
And now here we are living in the post-tsunami world. I do believe the world is a different place than it was on Christmas day, and I even think some of that change is permanent. The global outpouring of generosity and compassion has been remarkable. Don't misunderstand me - I think this is a good thing.

Still, I have questions.

I have questions about the nature of generosity, and our motivations. What about the 100,000 people who have died in Iraq? Nobody, including me, seems to be in any hurry to do much for those families who have been shattered by death. What about those Palestinians whose homes have been bulldozed by Israeli forces? Nobody, including me, seems to be too concerned about where those displaced families will sleep tonight....


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