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Sunday, January 02, 2005

Buddhist Reflections in the Muddy Sea of a Post-Tsunami World

Buddhist Reflections in the Muddy Sea of a Post-Tsunami World

There are specific lessons from Buddhism that can be reflected upon in the light of recent events. Some of these things may seem hard and cold yet when based in compassion their understandng leads to enhanced living.

  • Human life is precious and vulnerable
  • Rich and poor are subject to the same vagueries and certainties in life
  • Life and the material accoutrements thereto are subject to dissolution at any moment
  • Our attachments to people and places and things mean we will certainly suffer their loss at some time
  • Everything is subject to change
  • Changes in one thing lead to changes in others - causation or karma
  • There is no Creator God loving and caring for you
  • No Religion, Rites or Ritual will save you....


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